This IS the first study to consider the growth and feeding rates of naked marine amoebae at temperatures below 5°C. Specific growth rates were calculated for 5 Antarctic isolates, Platyamoeba australis, A4ayorella sp., Metachaos sp., Vannella sp., and an unidentified vahlkampfiid amoeba. Growth rates ranged between 0.08 X 10-l and 2.9 X 10-' h" corresponding to generation times of 866.2 and 23.9 h, respectively. All isolates grew at temperatures down to -2OC and showed optimal growth at 2°C although one species grew best at 0°C. A direct counting method was used to estimate bacterial feeding rates of P australjs and the vahlkampfiid amoeba. Rates varled as a function of prey denslty but were largely independent of temperature. Overall, amoebae consumed between 0.5 and 66.4 bacteria amoeba-' h-', equivalent to 0.3 and 38.0 pg C cell-' h-' Growth efficiencies estimated for these 2 amoebae were low, typically < 2 % , suggesting that amoebae incur high energetic costs for life at low temperatures.