In this article, we described a detailed analysis of the composition of elements remaining on the amorphous carbon-treated grinding wheel active surface (GWAS) after reciprocal internal cylindrical grinding of Titanium Grade 2 ® alloy. For this purpose, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) combined with energydispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDS) techniques were used. The SEM imaging and observation of selected fragments of active surface of 1-35 × 10 × 10-SG/ F46G10VTO grinding wheel was mainly carried out by use of two advanced microscopy systems: JSM-5500LV (JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) and Auriga ® (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Jena, Germany). During EDS measurements, the Octane plus (EDAX, Inc., Mahwah, NJ, USA)-a high-accuracy silicon drift detector (SSI) was used. Conducted SEM-EDS analysis shows that applied impregnation method ensure the presence of impregnate in a grinding wheel body, also in subsequent work cycles of tool. Observed Ti cloggings on the GWAS appear solely on dulled vertices of active abrasive grains, which demonstrates the limited impact of the impregnate in the zone of direct contact between abrasive grains and machined workpiece surface. However, lack of extensive cloggings of the intergranular spaces indicating an effective removal of long ductile chips of Ti from grinding zone aided by the introduction of an amorphous carbon.