This paper suggests larger residential organizations have a unique contribution to offer people with developmental dis-Martin T. Ivancic is affiliated with Western Carolina Center, Morganton, NC. William J. Helsel is affiliated with Allegheny TERNET: (Haworth co-indexing entry nole]: "Orgaiiizalional Behavior Management in Large Kesidenlial Organizations: Moving from lnslitulional lo Client-Centered Care." Ivancic, Martin T., and William 1. IMelsel. Co-published simultaneously in lorrrrtnl of Orgorihnrioirol Behavior Mn,iagenre,rr (The Haworth Press. Inc.) Val. 18. No. 2/3. 1998, pp. 61-82 ind: Orguiiiznlio!ial Behavior Mnnngenrerrr mid Developnienlal LJisobi/itits Services: Acconiplishniem mid Furure Directioris (ed: Dennis H. Keid) The Haworth Press. Inc.. 1998, pp. 61-82, Single or mulliplc mpies ofthis article are available for a fee fmm The Haworth Documenl Delivery Service 11-800-342-9678, 900 a.m. -So0 p.m. (EST).