25The current study determined the area-per-player during small-or large-sided games with or 26 without goalkeeper that replicates the relative (mmin -1 ) total distance, high-intensity running 27 distance, sprint distance and metabolic power covered during official matches. Time-motion 28 analysis was performed on twenty-five élite soccer-players during 26 home-matches. A total 29 of 2565 individual samples for SSGs using different pitch sizes and different number of players 30 were collected and classified as SSGs with (SSG-G) or without goalkeeper (SSG-P). A 31 between-position comparison was also performed. The area-per-player needed to replicate the 32 official match demands was largely greater in SSG-G vs SSG-P for total distance [187±53 vs 33 115±35 m 2 , effect size (ES): 1.60 95%CI 0.94/2.21], high-intensity running distance [262±72 34 vs 166±39 m 2 , ES: 1.66(0.99/2.27)] and metabolic power [17742 vs 9440, ES: 35 1.99(1.31/2.67)], but similar for sprint distance [(316±75 vs 295±99 m 2 , ES: 0.24(-0.32/0.79)] 36 with direction of larger area-per-player for sprint distance > high-intensity running > total 37 distance metabolic power for both SSG-G and SSG-P. In SSG-G, forwards required greater 38 area-per-player than central-defenders [ES: 2.96(1.07/4.35)], wide-midfielders [ES: 39 2.45(0.64/3.78)] and wide-defenders [ES: 3.45(1.13/4.99)]. Central-midfielders required 40 greater area-per-player than central-defenders [ES: 1.69(0.20/2.90)] and wide-midfielders [ES:41 1.35(-0.13/2.57)]. In SSG-P, central defenders need smaller area-per-player (ES: -6.01/-0.92) 42 to overall replicate the match demands compared to all other positions. The current results 43 highlight that soccer players need a specific area-per-player during the small-side games with 44 or without goalkeeper to replicate the overall match demands, especially to perform high-45 intensity running or sprint distance. Additionally, central defenders, central midfielders and 46 forwards need to be trained with tailored area-per-player or specific rules/additional exercises. 47 50 Small-or large-sided games are frequently used to replicate the soccer-specific match demands 51 in terms of technical proficiency, tactical awareness, speed, acceleration/deceleration, and 52 endurance performance [1]. To track these demands, recent tracking technologies such as 53 global positioning systems (GPS) or semi-automatic video-based multi-camera image systems 54 (MCIS), are usually used [2]. In small-sided games (SSGs), the manipulation of pitch size, 55 number of players per team, goalkeeper presence and technical rules modulate the soccer-56specific demands depending on the aims of each practice session [1, 3]. Increments in pitch 57 size or reduction in the number of players increases total distance (TD) covered, total high-58 intensity running distance (HIRD) and total sprint distance (TSD) [4, 5]. Conversely, when 59 pitch size is reduced or the number of players is increased, players get more ball touches but 60 they have not the space to rea...