Many individuals are increasingly using ubiquitous technologies, including interactive applications (apps) that are widely available on our mobile devices, including the smart phones and tablets. Therefore, in the last few years, educators and policy makers have introduced mobile learning (m-learning) technologies in order to support their students during their learning journey. A thorough literature review suggests that there are several contributions in academia that have investigated the students' acceptance and use of technology, in different contexts. In this light, this research has integrated valid and reliable measures from the Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior to better understand the university students' readiness to engage with mobile technologies for educational purposes. Specifically, this study explores the perceived usefulness and ease of use of m-learning technologies. Moreover, it investigated whether the research participants were influenced by their friends, acquaintances and educators to engage with these technologies and / or by the facilitating conditions at their university. The findings revealed that students held positive attitudes toward the m-learning technologies as they perceived them as useful and easy to use. Moreover, the university's facilitating conditions had a significant effect on the students' usage of these technologies. This study also reported that the students' social influences did not have an effect on their intention to use these devices.