The cytotoxic effect of high, as well as low, oxygen tension of proliferation and metabolism of Low line cells in culture is reversible even after several days of exposure provided the cells are returned to 95% air + 5% COZ environment.This suggests that the activity of certain mechanisms within the cells may have been altered or in other ways inhibited by the abnormal environments but are quite rapidly regenerated once the adverse condition is removed. The cells tolerate a low 0 2 exposure for at least 20 days while continuous exposure to high 0 2 atmosphere results in degeneration and death after 7-10 days. Both glucose utilization and lactic acid production are elevated in cultures exposed to either low or high 0 2 tensions, although they are markedly higher in the latter condition. When cell so exposed are returned to a n air + 5% COZ atmosphere, rate of glucose uptake and lactic acid formation soon approaches that found in control cultures. of the basic mechanisms of cultured cells to recover from the effects of cytotoxic environments. Therefore, the following investigations on the changes in growth and metabolism of cells exposed to low and high OZ tensions and the possible reversibility of these changes were undertaken.
MATERIALS AND METHODSLow line fibroblast cells, NCTC 2049 (Sanford, Likely and Earle, '54), cultivated in NCTC 109 medium (Evans, Bryant, McQuilkin, Fioramonti, Sanford, Westfall and Earle, '56) plus 10% horse serum in pyrex T-flasks were used in these studies.Replicate techniques and gassing procedures were the same as reported earlier (Pace and Aftonomos, '57; Pace, Thompson, Aftonomos and Holck, '61). For replication in each of the following experiments, the cells were detached from the bottoms of the stock flasks by scraping and gentle shaking. After proper dilution, 2 ml of the resutling suspension were added to each of 150 T-15 flasks. Twenty-four hours were allowed for adjustment at which time counts were made (by means of a Coulter counter, Model B) and glucose and lactic acid (L.A.) content of the medium ascertained by means of the 0-toluidine (Hy-