The research aimed to analyze utilizing non-timber extraction of swamp forests over time for rural livelihoods. This research was carried out in swamp forests of Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) District, South Sumatra, Indonesia. The data were collected by direct field observation, intensive study of archive report documents as well as in-depth interviews with the respondents. Before 2000, rural communities could be mentioned to be relatively concerned about the status of forest and land resources because they have utilized forest and land resources following customary regulations. Various types of products extracted by their priority are fuel material, food sources, medicine and pharmacy, raw materials for handicrafts, structures and other uses. After 2000, there have been significant changes in forest and land resources being used for other purposes, e.g. agroforestry, plantation, agriculture, fodder, thatching grass, woven mats (from purun), rope webbing, leaves, resins, dyes, manure and others. These activities have caused degradation of swamp forest. To minimize the impact of swamp forest degradation, the active participation involvement of the rural community and all other stakeholder components is essential to optimize swamp forest management.