The literature on nuclear fuel dissolution and radionuclide release studies in aqueous solutions containing dissolved hydrogen has been reviewed.These studies include investigations with spent PWR and MOX fuels, fuel specimens doped with alpha emitters to mimic "aged" fuels, SIMFUELs fabricated to simulate spent fuel properties, and unirradiated uranium dioxide pellets and powders. In all these studies, dissolved hydrogen was shown to suppress fuel corrosion and in spent fuel studies to suppress radionuclide release. A number of mechanisms have been either demonstrated or proposed to explain these effects, all of which involve the activation of hydrogen to produce the strongly reducing H • radical, which scavenges radiolytic oxidants and suppresses fuel oxidation and dissolution (i.e., corrosion). Both gamma and alpha radiation have been shown to produce H • surface species. With gamma radiation this could involve the absorption of gamma energy by the solid leading to water decomposition to OH • and H • radicals, with the OH • radical subsequently reacting with hydrogen to yield an additional H • . This latter radical then suppresses fuel oxidation and scavenges radiolytic oxidants. With alpha radiation, the need to neutralize oxygen vacancies generated by recoil events can initiate the same process by decomposing water. In the absence of radiation fields activation can occur on the surface of noble metal (epsilon) particles. Since these particles are galvanically-coupled to the fuel matrix they act as anodes for hydrogen oxidation (which proceeds through surface H • species) and forces the UO 2 to adopt a low potential. Also, there is some evidence to suggest that H 2 can be activated on