• The evidence for the integration of the submandibiilar gland (SMG) into the neuroimmiinoregulatory network is reviewed. In laboratory rodents, factors extracted from the SMG were shown to stimulate lymphocyte proliferation, to affect the weight of the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes and to induce immunosuppression in several in vivo and in vitro mo dels. The SMG produces significant amount of nerve growth factor (NGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-/3, and kallikreins. These factors are secreted into the saliva and affect immune and mitcosal tissues and nerve endings in the gastrointestinal tract. They may thus play a role in the regulation of mucosal immune/inflammatory re sponses. The major salivary glands also produce antimicro bial proteins and secretory IgA antibodies which are essen tial factors in mucosal host defence. SMG-derivedNGF, EGF and glandular kallikrein are delivered into the bloodstream where they may act as important systemic immunoregulators and exert regulatory influences on the neuroendocrine system. Growth hormone, prolactin, androgens, thyroid hormone and corticosteroids regulate protein synthesis in the SMG, where as secretory activity is regulated by sympathetic, parasympathetic and peptidergic nerve fibres. Steroid hormones and cytokines as interleukin-la,-1(3 , tumor necrosis factor-a , interferon-y have major regulatory influence on protein secretion, including the secretion ofimmunoglobulin into the saliva. The SMG interacts with the mucosal and svstemic compartments of the immune system, with the central and