• The aim of this study was to determine the properties of liquid and cured UF (urea-formaldehyde) resin modifi ed with pMDI (polymeric 4, 4′-methylenediphenyl isocyanate). Analyses showed that when introduced to liquid UF resin already at 10 %, its reactivity increases, which is refl ected in a shortening of gel time and reduction of activation energy of the polycondensation process. In turn, analyses performed on polycondensed resin showed that, thanks to modifi cation with pMDI, its hydrophobicity is considerably improved, as manifested in a reduction of absorbability and swelling in thickness of cured resin.
Key words: UF, pMDI, hybrid resin, FTIR, hydrophobicity
SAŽETAK • Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi svojstva tekuće i otvrdnute UF smole (urea-formaldehida) modifi cirane s pMDI-jem (polimernim 4, 4′-metilendifenil izocijanatom). Analiza je pokazala da dodavanjem pMDI-ja