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AbstractTourism is a sector in which consumers -tourists widely share their opinions, experiences and recommendations. Due to the fact that tourist services cannot be evaluated before the purchase, word-of-mouth has been recognized as an influential factor and a significant resource of information transmission in the tourism market. Word-of-mouth has an important role in tourists' decision-making processes, in which consumerstourists rely on the suggestions from those who have experienced the service. With the increasing use of the Internet, a large number of consumers -tourists have begun to share their recommendations online. Electronic word-of-mouth refers to any positive or negative statement made by a consumer -tourist about a tourist service, which is available on the Internet. The digitalization of word-of-mouth has created numerous possibilities and challenges for hospitality and tourism marketers. This paper aims to examine the influence of traditional word-of-mouth and electronic word-of-mouth on tourists' decision-making processes. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of virtual interactions among consumers -tourists as a part of tourism promotion. This paper has provided a theoretical framework of word-of-mouth (WOM) and electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) showing that electronic word-ofmouth plays an important role in the tourists' decision-making process.interactive platforms while travelling) and the post-travel phase (in this phase tourists share their opinions and experiences).According to Torres et al. (2015), electronic word-of-mouth has introduced a new way of capturing, analyzing, interpreting and managing interpersonal influence and communication among tourists. As Jeong & Jang (2011) stated, the potential impact of electronic word-of-mouth on consumers' -tourists' decision-making can be more powerful in comparison with the impact of traditional word-of-mouth. Thus, the primary source of information that is used to plan a holiday is electronic word-of-mouth (Marine-Roig, 2017). In this sense, hospitality and tourism marketers should be aware of the fact that, in future, almost all tourists' decision-making processes will be strongly affected by online reviews.
ENTRENOVA 12-14, September2019Rovinj, Croatia A limitation of this study is that it has provided only a theoretical framework of wordof-mouth and electronic word-of-mouth. Further research into this topic should provide some practical answers to the ...