The purpose of this research was to examine and describe the profile on how the patterns of students' scientific problem-solving skills in SMP N Kota Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. Descriptive quantitative method was chosen to be the research approach. The population of this research were students in seventh class at SMP N Kota Jayapura. Samples taken in this study were 79 students and chosen from random sampling technique. Data collecting was done through test and interview in second term of VIII class. The results of this study showed that 25.32% of students were able to define the problem, 22.78% of students were able to explore the problem, 20.25% of students were able to plan the solution, 20.25% of students were able to check the solution, and 0% of students were able to evaluate. The mean results of test technique using test instrument showed that the students' scientific problem-solving skills was 54.73. This finding was interpreted and categorized through descriptive quantitative analysis. It is obtained that students in SMP N Kota Jayapura has low scientific problem-solving skills.