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Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences
HIGH LEVEL RESEARCH PURPOSEHigh temperature operation of technical engineering systems is critical for system eficiency and will be a key driver in the future US energy policy. Most systems, from new power generation schemes, innovative and/or new chemical processes, vehicle propulsion, etc., operate efficiently and reduce environmental hazards only when operated at very high temperatures. Often potential processes must be abandoned because the high temperature management costs prohibit marketplace development. Some of the newer chemical production systems, which are based on micro-or nano-tech processes, must operate at very high temperatures otherwise the competitive advantage compared with traditional developments cannot be realized. These new micro-tech systems are the basis for advanced fuel cells and efficient heat exchangers. President Bush's aggressive new energy policy includes an important emphasis on advanced nuclear power systems. The new generation concepts for nuclear plants rely heavily on the need for very high temperature operation -much higher than current PWR and/or BWR nuclear plants used today.Next generation aerospace vehicles will be propelled by systems that rely on very high temperature operation. Indeed, future materials for high temperature application may come from building the materials at the nanometer size scale.Unfortunately, in this age where terrorists may strike the United States on our home soil, high temperature performance of structural systems, which experience severe damage from hostile enemies, is a new important concern. It is now known that the world trade center buildings fell after the terrorist attack when high temperature creep damage and buckling of structural members on the higher floors led to a progressive failure of the buildings rather quickly. Other vulnerable oper...