Together with Part 1, Part 2 describes the theory, the validation, and the application of the generalized Wiener‐Hopf technique (GWHT) to complex scattering problems constituted of wedges and layers that may interact at near field. In particular, we present the full analysis of the canonical problem where a perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) wedge is lying on a grounded dielectric slab bounded by a PEC plane. The structure proposed in the two papers is of interest in antenna technologies and electromagnetic compatibility (tip on a substrate with guiding and antenna properties). While the scope of Part 1 has been to present the method and its validation applied to the problem, this paper (Part 2) focuses on the properties of the solution and it presents physical and engineering insights. Part 2 starts from the solution of generalized Wiener‐Hopf equations (GWHEs) through Fredholm factorization in terms of an analytical element of the spectral unknowns (Part 1), and it illustrates how to estimate physical and engineering characteristics of the problem: geometrical theory of diffraction/uniform theory of diffraction (GTD/UTD) coefficients, total far fields, modal fields, and excitation of surface waves and leaky waves for different excitations (modal source and/or plane wave source).