We have computed lightning electromagnetic pulses (LEMPs), including the azimuthal magnetic field H φ , vertical electric field E z , and horizontal (radial) electric field E h that propagated over 5 to 200 km of flat lossy ground, using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method in the 2-D cylindrical coordinate system. This is the first systematic full-wave study of LEMP propagation effects based on a realistic return-stroke model and including the complete return-stroke frequency range. Influences of the return-stroke wavefront speed (ranging from c/2 to c, where c is the speed of light), current risetime (ranging from 0.5 to 5 μs), and ground conductivity (ranging from 0.1 mS/m to ∞) on H φ , E z , and E h have been investigated. Also, the FDTD-computed waveforms of E h have been compared with the corresponding ones computed using the Cooray-Rubinstein formula. Peaks of H φ , E z , and E h are nearly proportional to the return-stroke wavefront speed. The peak of E h decreases with increasing current risetime, while those of H φ and E z are only slightly influenced by it. The peaks of H φ and E z are essentially independent of the ground conductivity at a distance of 5 km. Beyond this distance, they appreciably decrease relative to the perfectly conducting ground case, and the decrease is stronger for lower ground conductivity values. The peak of E h increases with decreasing ground conductivity. The computed E h /E z is consistent with measurements of Thomson et al. (1988). The observed decrease of E z peak and increase of E z risetime due to propagation over 200 km of Florida soil are reasonably well reproduced by the FDTD simulation with ground conductivity of 1 mS/m.