Recent work has dramatically reduced the gate complexity required to quantum simulate chemistry by using linear combinations of unitaries based methods to exploit structure in the plane wave basis Coulomb operator. Here, we show that one can achieve similar scaling even for arbitrary basis sets (which can be hundreds of times more compact than plane waves) by using qubitized quantum walks in a fashion that takes advantage of structure in the Coulomb operator, either by directly exploiting sparseness, or via a low rank tensor factorization. We provide circuits for several variants of our algorithm (which all improve over the scaling of prior methods) including one with O(N 3/2 λ) T complexity, where N is number of orbitals and λ is the 1-norm of the chemistry Hamiltonian. We deploy our algorithms to simulate the FeMoco molecule (relevant to Nitrogen fixation) and obtain circuits requiring about seven hundred times less surface code spacetime volume than prior quantum algorithms for this system, despite us using a larger and more accurate active space.algorithms. Today, the best-scaling quantum algorithms for chemistry in second quantization use plane waves; with either O(N 3 ) gate complexity (with small constant factors) [8, 9] or O(N 2 log N ) gate complexity (with large constant factors and more spatial complexity) [10].A major limitation to using plane waves in second quantization is that one needs a very large number of spin-orbitals to represent many molecular systems to chemical accuracy. The work of [11] suggests resolving this problem by simulating the plane wave Hamiltonian in first quantization to achieve O(N 1/3 η 8/3 ) gate complexity, where η is the number of electrons. With such low scaling in N , one might be able to use an extremely large plane wave basis. Unfortunately, the practicality of that algorithm is unclear because it has not been compiled to explicit circuits, and it is unclear how large the basis would need to be [10].The more obvious remedy to the low resolution of plane waves is to use a more compact basis. Indeed, the majority of proposals for the quantum simulation of chemistry focus on using very compact molecular orbitals. However, using molecular orbitals leads to complex Hamiltonians with coefficients defined in terms of integrals and O(N 4 ) distinct terms. As a consequence, the first quantum algorithms in this representation had gate complexity O(N 11 ) [12, 13]. Since then, a large community of researchers has worked to significantly reduce the cost of simulation in this representation through tighter bounds [13][14][15], better mappings between fermions and qubits [16][17][18][19][20], improved state preparation techniques [21][22][23][24], application of new time-evolution strategies [25][26][27], considerations of fault-tolerant overheads [28][29][30] and other representational and algorithmic insights [31][32][33][34][35][36].The lowest rigorous complexity of prior work on second quantized arbitrary basis chemistry simulation is either the O(N 5 ) scaling of [26], or th...