Editorial CommentVentricular fibrillation (VF) has been considered to be caused by totally disorganized electrical activity, 1 but evidence accumulating for over half a century suggests different degrees and types of organization exist during VF. As VF continues, it progresses through different stages. Wiggers divided this time course into four stages based on high-speed cinematography 1,2 while Huang et al. divided it into five stages based on electrical activation mapping. 3 In addition to changes in VF over time, the Cedar Sinai-UCLA group has reported two distinct types of VF. [4][5][6] In type I VF, the activation rate is rapid, reentry is uncommon and short lived, and activation wavefronts follow constantly changing pathways with little repetition. Although the conduction velocity (CV) restitution curve is flat and the action potential duration (APD) restitution curve determined by pacing is steep, the authors believe this steep APD restitution curve is responsible for conduction block during type I VF. In type II VF, the activation rate is slower and many of the activation fronts are large and follow similar pathways. Whereas the APD restitution slope is flat, excitability is reduced and the CV restitution curve is broad. The authors believe this broad CV restitution is responsible for conduction block in type II VF.The same authors state that type I VF is consistent with VF Maintenance by wandering wavelets, whereas type II VF is consistent with VF maintenance by a mother rotor. 5 They also reported that the two types of VF can occur at different times in the same heart, either through reducing excitability by giving a high dose of the drug D600, which causes type II VF in a heart that exhibited type I VF before the drug, 4 or through changes in VF over time with the first two of Wiggers' stages representing type I VF and the later stages type II VF. 5 In this issue of the Journal, the same group reports that both types of VF can coexist simultaneously in different regions of the same heart. 6 They performed optical mapping in isolated, perfused rabbit hearts in which a region of ischemia was created by coronary occlusion. The ischemic zone was identified by shortening of the APD, whereas the APD was normal or lengthened in the nonischemic zone. These investigators found that type I VF was present in the nonischemic zone, whereas type II VF was present simultaneously in the ischemic zone. They reported that, after occlusion, the slope of the APD restitution curve decreased in the ischemic region consistent with type II VF, whereas the slope increased in the nonischemic region, consistent with type I VF. They also found that the incidence of conduction block was increased in all portions of the mapped myocardium after occlusion, i.e., in the ischemic zone, in the nonischemic zone, and in the border zone encompassing the boundary between these two zones. Based on these findings, the authors concluded that changes in both the ischemic and the nonischemic zones are proarrhythmic and that these two zones play ...