Drawing from contemporary research on social-cognitive processes and schemas, Pio Scilligo introduced a social-cognitive perspective into his theory and practice of transactional analysis. His distinctive model and understanding of ego states represents a significant development of Berne's original ego states theory, useful both clinically and in research. ______The ego states model is one of Eric Berne's most ingenious creations. It establishes both an interpersonal theory of personality and a modern approach to facilitating human growth and development. Berne's theory is also congruent with current research findings in the fields of relational psychoanalysis and object relations, attachment, and social-cognitive schemas. But little research has been done on Berne's theory itself. One primary reason is that Berne's definitions of the ego states are not well suited to research methodology, which requires operationally clear definitions and explanations in order to use quantitative procedures for prediction and control.