[1] In this contribution, we report rock magnetic, petrographic, and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) data from the Pinto Peak intrusion, all of which bear on volcanic construction. Rock magnetic data indicate that the dominant magnetic mineral phase is low-Ti titanomagnetite of multidomain grain size, the composition of which varies spatially across the intrusion. The intrusion is a porphyritic andesite dominated by Ca-rich plagioclase (>60%) as well as biotite, amphibole, olivine, and opaque minerals. Reflected light petrography reveals mostly euhedral-subhedral (titano)magnetite crystals that often form clustered glomerocrysts and stringers of equant crystals, without exhibiting a consistent mineral alignment fabric. Moderate-to-shallow plunging prolate magnetic susceptibility ellipsoids dominate the northern part of the intrusion while steeply dipping/plunging magnetic susceptibility ellipsoids are generally restricted to the southern part of the intrusion. The vent facies rocks yield moderate-to-steep oblate susceptibility ellipsoids. We interpret the flow pattern in the north to reflect subhorizontal flow of magma, filling a tabular sheet-like body associated with propagation of the intrusion to the north. We argue that the southern part of the intrusion represents the ascent site of the magma rising to shallow crustal levels along a steep feeder system. The oblate magnetic fabrics in the vent area plausibly represent flattening against the conduit walls as evidenced by a weak planar flow foliation observed in the vent conduit rocks. On reaching shallow crustal levels, the magma deformed and uplifted the roof rocks leading to gravitational instability. As the slide mass released from the roof, an explosive eruption ensued resulting in the emplacement of the Rocks of Paradise tuff and associated effusive lava flows. Following eruption, magma pressure decreased and the magma drained northward forming the northern intrusive phase.