CirurgiaEste é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto (Open Access) sob a licença Creative Commons Attribution, que permite uso, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, sem restrições desde que o trabalho original seja corretamente citado. Descritores: hidrocortisona; solução salina hipertônica; choque hemorrágico; isquemia; reperfusão; inflamação; gasometria; ratos.
ARTIGO DESummary Purpose: To evaluate the hydrocortisone low-dose effects in hemorrhagic shock in rats. Methods: Twenty male Wistar rats were randomly distributed into 04 groups: Sham Group (GS); Shock group (CG), animals subjected to hemorrhagic shock; Group Hypertonic Saline 7.5% (GSH 7.5%), with volume replacement of saline solution at 7.5% after shock; Hydrocortisone Group (GH), animals received hydrocortisone after shock. Arterial blood gas samples and variations of the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were analyzed before the shock induction and after treatments. Intestinal samples were collected for histological analysis. Results: MAP was statistical significantly increased after treatment of the shock in GSH 7,5% (p=0.0001) and GH (p=0.0058) when compared to the CG. Regarding the arterial blood gas analysis, hydrocortisone increased pH of arterial blood in comparison to the GC (P=0.0372), lowered PaCO2 (p=0.0008), maintained higher levels of bicarbonate ions (p=0.0395) and lower levels of lactate (p=0.002). GH (p=0.02), as GSH7.5% (p=0.0147), showed less histological damage than the GC. Conclusion: Low dosages of hydrocortisone had protective effects against hemorrhagic shock in rats.