Based on the translations of a bidirectional English-Portuguese parallel corpus, this paper examines some English discourse markers (henceforth ‘DMs’, such as well, you know, I mean). The goal is twofold: firstly, the analysis of the translations establishes functional equivalents of the English DMs in European Portuguese, thus complementing the existing studies on translation of DMs in parallel corpus. Secondly and most importantly, this paper aims to approach the phenomenon of DMs omission frequently observed in translations from the empirical, rather than theoretical point of view. In particular, the study focuses on omission of DMs in the target languages. The corpus analysis resulted in the identification of three most common types of omission: DM deletion (i.e. a common DM deletion or omission in the target language), partial DM deletion (i.e. when one of the two DMs in the original language drops, resulting in translation of only one of them in the target language), DM addition (i.e. when there is no DM in the original language, but the translator has added it).