“…However, with the development of new subgroups within the Brain Injury Group, our mission is to harmonize both the measures collected and analysis pipelines used across sites. Recently, a number of sub-groups within our Brain Injury group have provided recommendations for specific neuroimaging and neuropsychological measures sensitive to domains impacted by different mechanisms of brain injury (e.g., head trauma associated with intimate partner violence, concussive and subconcussive impacts associated with sports-related concussion, blast injury in military personnel and veterans), age of injury (e.g., pediatric, adult), severity of injury (mild, moderate, and severe TBI), or imaging modality (MRS; Bartnik-Olson et al, in press;Dennis, et al, in press;Esopenko et al, 2019;Koerte et al, 2020;Tate et al, 2019). We also provide recommendations on specific genetic variations that warrant investigation across injury populations.…”