This study aims to identify the environmental impact in the synthesis of antistatic bionanocomposites compared to polypropylene synthesis. It is done using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method with SimaPro 9.1.1 software. The results showed that using 2% of M-DAG and 2.5% of CNC in the synthesis of antistatic bionanocomposites can reduce the environmental impact compared with the synthesis of PP. This is indicated by the decline in the impact value per impact categories, namely 4.46% of ADP, 3.70% of ADP-FF, 4.21% of GWP, 4.48% of ODP, 4.63% of HTP, 5.10% of FWAEP, 4.84% of MAEP, 2021% of TEP, 4.08% of POP, 4.41% of AP, and 4.85% of EP. After normalization of the impact category, the total environmental impact per function unit in antistatic bionancomposite synthesis is smaller than PP synthesis, with a percentage reduction of the environmental impact of 4.58%. The efficient use of energy and natural resources is considered necessary to reduce the environmental impact per kg of antistatic bionanocomposite pellets. The higher percentage of reduced by products, the lower total environmental impact per kg of antistatic bionanocomposite pellets. The application of reuse, reduce, and recycle methods on co-products from antistatic bio-nanocomposite synthesis needs to be done because it positively impacts the environment. Further research needs to be carried out to identify environmental impacts in synthesizing antistatic bionanocomposites in a wider scope of the study, namely cradle to grave, if possible.