Schwellnus, M.P. et al. (2018). Match injury incidence during the Super Rugby tournament is high : a prospective cohort study over five seasons involving 93 641 player-hours. Abstract: Objectives To determine the incidence and nature of injuries in the Super Rugby tournament over a 5-year period. Methods 482 male professional rugby union players from six South African teams participating in the Super Rugby tournament were studied (1020 player-seasons). Medical staff of participating teams (2012-2016 tournaments) recorded all time loss injuries (total injuries and match injuries) and exposure hours (93 641 total playing hours; 8032 match hours). Injury incidence, injured player proportion, severity (time lost), anatomical location, tissue type and activity/phase during which injury occurred are reported.Results The overall incidence of match injuries (per 1000 player-hours; 95% CI) for each year was as follows: