Given two graphs G and H , we define v-cover H (G) (resp. e-cover H (G)) as the minimum number of vertices (resp. edges) whose removal from G produces a graph without any minor isomorphic to H . Also v-pack H (G) (resp. e-pack H (G)) is the maximum number of vertex-(resp. edge-) disjoint subgraphs of G that contain a minor isomorphic to H . We denote by θ r the graph with two vertices and r parallel edges between them. When H = θ r , the parameters v-cover H , e-cover H , v-pack H , and e-pack H are NP-hard to compute (for sufficiently big values of r ). Drawing upon combinatorial results in Chatzidimitriou et al. (Minors in graphs of large θ r -girth, 2015, arXiv:1510.03041), we give an algorithmic proof that if v-pack θ r (G) ≤ k, then v-cover θ r (G) = O(k log k), and similarly for e-pack θ r and e-cover θ r . In other words, the class of graphs containing θ r as a minor has the vertex/edge Erdős-Pósa property, for every positive integer r . Using the algorithmic machinery of our proofs we introduce a unified approach for the design of an O(log OPT)-approximation algorithm for v-pack θ r , v-cover θ r , e-pack θ r , and e-cover θ r that runs in O(n · log(n) · m) steps. Also, we derive several new Erdős-Pósa-type results from the techniques that we introduce.