The routes of impact assessment could be traced back to the cross-impact assessment proposed by Gordon and Helmer in 1966 (Gordon, 1994), the environmental impact statements since 1970 (National Environmental Policy Act), and technology assessments (Coates, 1971). All these methods of futures studies aimed to develop plausible scenarios and strategies to cope with the growing uncertainty.The impact assessment is an ongoing process of monitoring and analys ing the social, economic, and ecological changes which occur as a result of the implementation of a given activity. The objectives of an impact assessment are usually aligned with the functions of a given organisation, and in specific cases they are independent of regulatory factors (ecological assessments are an exception, for example). The impact assessments usually look beyond the standard horizon of planning of the activities.An impact assessment usually surpasses the boundaries of the 'gross' results and impacts foreseen in a given policy, programme, project, or initiative. Sometimes impact assessments are conducted within the larger context of foresight studies, which are trying to back-cast what should be done in order to reach a desirable future or to avoid undesirable one. The time-horizons are always extending and the overall uncertainty grows, thus calling for foresight-based capacity to react to uncertainty shocks. The impact assessment could be considered also as a part of broader agenda of 'evidence-based policy making'. It also can be used to measure programmes implementation alternatives and their innovativeness.In general, 'impact assessment' deals with the effects of proposed and/or planned actions (Porter & Rossini, 2019). The International Association for Impact Assessment (Fargo, North Dakota, USA) accepts that the impact as sessment is the process of identifying the future consequences of a current or proposed action through which social justice and quality of the environ ment are achieved to a certain extent. According to this association, the impact assessment is one of the approaches for analysing policies and pro grammes, and is also complemented by a technological assessment and a risk assessment (International Association for Impact Assessment). Impact II.