The evolution of libraries through three stages -modernization, automation and digitization-is analysed. A formula is presented to evaluate the importance of libraries to our society, and it is applied both retrospectively and futuristically, extrapolating a 2030 scenario. The conclusion is that if the current generation of librarians does not introduce radical changes in the role of libraries, their future is seriously threatened.
KeywordsAnalysis, Sustainability, Values, Roles, Functions, Libraries, Extrapolation, Future developments, Prospects, Trends, Forecast.Título: ¿Son las bibliotecas sostenibles en un mundo de información libre, digital y en red?
ResumenSe analiza la evolución de las bibliotecas en sus tres etapas de modernización, automatización y digitalización. Se presenta una fórmula para evaluar el grado de interés que las bibliotecas tienen para la sociedad, y se aplica tanto retrospectivamente como para extrapolar el posible escenario del año 2030. Se concluye que si la generación actual de bibliotecarios no es capaz de introducir cambios radicales en el papel de las bibliotecas, su continuidad está seriamente amenazada.
Palabras clave
Introduction 1Sustainability is the capacity to endure over time. Libraries are among the institutions with the greatest longevity in our society, but the great technological changes that have affected them, especially since the advent of the internet and the digitization of information, have led many researchers to wonder about the future of libraries and whether such institutions continue to make sense. Recent studies include (2008). The professional community began to worry when several studies (Housewright et al., 2013) showed that users are now much more autonomous than before to seek information on their own, allowing them to dispense with using the library to meet their information needs.Lluís Anglada 604 El profesional de la información, 2014, noviembre-diciembre, v. 23, n. 6.