Perennial grain crops have been proposed as an elegant solution to numerous problems confronted in modern agriculture. Perennial grains are expected to increase water quality, reduce soil erosion, increase soil carbon, and improve habitat for wildlife ( Cox et al., 2006 ). Furthermore, perennials are predicted to be more resilient to abiotic stress resulting from climate change ( Cox et al., 2006 ). Initiating and expanding perennial grain breeding programs has been proposed as a strategy to address the looming challenges of land degradation, food security, energy supply, and climate change ( Glover et al., 2010 ).Strategies proposed for developing a wide array of new perennial grain crops ( Wagoner and Schaeffer, 1990 ;Cox et al., 2002 ) typically are separated into two groups: wide hybridization and de novo domestication. In de novo domestication, repeated cycles of selection are performed out of a wild perennial population to achieve a high-yielding domestic type. In wide hybridization, an existing grain crop is crossed with a wild perennial relative, and then either the hybrid population is improved, or repeated rounds of backcrossing are performed to introgress genes for perennial growth until the phenotype in other ways resembles the annual crop parent. Here, we will not address the array of genetic effects that are derived from wide hybridizations, but will rather focus our attention on the mechanisms specifi c to early stages of selection from wild populations.The breeding strategies required for selecting out of wild material vs. improving yield of domesticated species are sure to differ. Whereas the fi rst stages of domestication in cereal crops involve dramatic changes that facilitate uniform planting and effi cient harvesting, crop improvement (of existing domestic species) involves improvements in yield and palatability or diversifi cation based on regional adaptation or harvested product qualities ( Olsen and Wendel, 2013 ). Although the early steps toward domestication will include yield gains, the primary objective is to transform the phenotype in ways that make a plant useful to meet human food needs. Subsequent crop improvement is associated with relatively modest incremental morphological changes.Since few grain species have been recently domesticated ( Meyer et al., 2012 ), most plant breeding theory and practice is based on improvement of previously domesticated species. With over a decade of experience domesticating new grain crops (described by Cox et al., 2010 ), we have been searching for genetic insights that are specifi c to taking wild species through the early stages of domestication. We have found strategies for the wholesale remodeling of plants (as is required to develop perennial grains) to be rare in the plant breeding literature. Therefore, we have turned to fi ndings in other fi elds to develop more complete and effi cient strategies for our own programs and, we hope, for the benefi t of colleagues considering the domestication of other wild species.Here we review literature i...