With the rapid development of E-commerce, a growing number of consumers have been attracted by online shopping. With the purpose of attracting more consumers, E-commerce sites usually apply various promotion strategies. Based on this, researches on consumer behaviors under online promotions gradually becomes a hot issue in the field of E-commerce. In the process of online shopping, the consuming decisions of consumers tend to be influenced by multiple factors, including consumers' experience of using online shopping website, the service reliability of online shopping and so on [1]. At present, the mathematical and statistical methods are most applied to construct consumer decision-making models in most researches. For the studies of consumers' online behaviors, the most popular methods are empirical research (such as sample-based analysis) [2], behavior-theory-based qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis methods based on data mining [3]. Regarding those methods, researches on consumer behaviors based on mathematical and statistical methods are based on static equilibrium.