Research work was carried out on the test units with the conditions close to the industrial ones to study the material composition impact of the concentrates produced from various types of the Kachkanar titanium magnetite ores on the fluxed pellet metallurgical properties. In order to study the pellet properties with a small number of experiments the simplex-lattice design method was used. Data was quoted on variation of key quality parameters of pellets from particular concentrate types and their mixture at certain horizons throughout the bed height with regard to a conveyer-type roast machine. An expression was obtained for the weighted average strength of commercial pellets. According to the data obtained in the course of the experiments with certain concentrate types and their well-balanced mixtures the expressions were introduced as incomplete cubic polynomials describing the key quality parameter variations of the pellets from optional composition mixtures. The work results are of certain interest for the process engineers and specialists dealing with iron ore raw material preparation, as they allow forecasting of high quality fluxed pellet production from various material composition concentrates.