Summary. The photoelectron spectra of fulvene (11) and of 3,4-dimethylene-cyclobutene (111) have been recorded. The PE. bands are correlated, in order of increasing ionisation potentials, with the following orbitals: 11: la&), 2b,(n), 7b,(a), lb,(n); 111: 2b1(n). la,@), 10a,(o), 8b,(o), lb,(n). This assignment is based on a semi-quantitative perturbation MO-model and on the SCF-LCAO-MO calculations reported by Praud, Millie & Berthiev [5] for benzene, I1 and 111. There are four ways in which an ethylene moiety can be formally connected with a s-cis-butadiene part to yield a planar, nionocyclic o, n-system containing a t least one additional plane of symmetry perpendicular to the o-framework : benzene (I), fulvene (11), 3,4-diniethylene-cyclobutene (111) and trisniethylene-cyclopropane = !3]radialene (IV). Of these, I1 [2] and I11 r3] are the two isoelectronic isomers of I, which in the past have attracted the greatest interest. Like benzene they are planar and possess a conjugated n-system containing six electrons, I1 being a non-alternant and I11 an alternant cross-conjugated hydrocarbon. As a consequence, they are ideal test cases for n-theories, and numerous calculations on all levels of sophistication have been performed to explain their physical and chemical properties 141 151. ( E , is the total n-electron energy according to a standard HMO-calculation)The photoelectron spectra (PE. spectra) of I1 and 111 are shown in Fig. I a n d the corresponding verticai ionisation potentials 1" are collected in Table 3 .The spectra have been recorded on a modified PS 15 photoelectron Tunzer-type spectrometer [6] of ~~~~~~~~~Elmer Lld. (Beaconsfield, England). For experimental details the reader is referred to previous communications of this series, ~. g .[7]. Institut fur Organische Chemie der Universitat Karlsruhe. Organiscli-chemisches Institut der Universitat Gottingen.
784HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA -Vol. 54, Fasc. 3 (1971) -Nr. 78 An assignment of the PE. spectra can be obtained by labelling each band according to the molecular orbital qjJ from which the electron is thought to be ejected when the moleculc M is ionised:'Tablc 1. Photoelectroiz spectra of beizzene ( I ) , f-ulvewe ( I I ) aizd 3,4-dimethylene-cyclobutene ( I 11) All values (in cV) refer to vertical ionisation potentials I v . The nuinbcring corresponds to the one g i w n in Fig. 1. Values in brackets refer t o prominent fine-structure components of lower intensity Orb.Char. A criterion for the validity of the assignment will be its conipatibility with the assignments of PE. spectra of other similar molecules, based on the same MO-model. Unfortunately the vibrational pattern of the individual PE. bands in the spectra of I1 and 111, shown in Fig. 1, is not sufficiently well resolved to provide an additional check of the assignment, through an analysis of the spacing and intensity of the individual progression components 1-91 (see j-101 in the case of I).
I vTo begin with, we sliall first estalilish wliicli of the bands in the PE. spectra of I1 a...