We treated a patient with arrhythmia during pregnancy with prolonged intravenous administration of lidocaine hydrochloride. This was a case of twin-to-twin transfusionLidocaine is widely used for maternal analgesia during labour and sometimes for the treatment of arrhythmia in pregnant women. There are many reports of human placental lidocaine transfer after brief administration following maternal epidural, spinal, caudal, paracervical or pudendal analgesia during labour. However, for continuous maternal lidoeaine infusion, several studies have been reported but only in animals, t-3 There are no reports on the effects in humans of continuous maternal intravenous lidoeaine administration on fetal serum and amniotic fluid (AF) lidocaine concentrations. Since it is possible for excessive fetal serum and AF lidocaine concentrations to be produced in humans, we submit this report on a patient who received intravenous administration of lidocaine hydrochlofide for 12 days to treat arrhythmia during pregnancy. Maternal serum, fetal serum and AF lidocaine concentrations were measured at the time of delivery.
Case reportA 30-yr-old woman was referred at 23 wk gestation because of preterm labour and polyhydramnios. She was CAN J ANAESTH 1995 / 42:4 / pp 338-40