The reactions of [M(mipk)(H20),I2' (M = Pd or Pt; mipk = 1-methylimidazol-2-yl pyridin-2-yl ketone) with the nucleobases 1 -methylthymine (Hmthy) and 1 -methyluracil (Hmura) were studied and the products characterized by X-ray structure analyses as well as by 'H NMR spectroscopy. Dinuclear complexes are formed with the pyrimidine-based model nucleobases, which act as secondary bridging ligands via their N3 and O4 donor functions. In all three compounds [Pd,(rnipk),(m~ra)~][ClO~]~ I, [Pd,(mipk),(mthy)2][C104]2 2 and the isotypic compound [Pt,(mipk),(mthy),][C104]2 3 the nucleobases show head-to-tail arrangement. The intramolecular M M distances vary from 2.861(1) 8, in 2 to 2.879(1) A in 1. By ligand-exchange reaction in aqueous media the side product [Pt(mipk),][C104], is formed. Proton NMR studies showed that the dinuclear complexes are not stable in aqueous solution. Oxidation of 3 and [Pt2(mipk),(mura),][C104]2 4 to platinum blues with higher-valent Pt was not observed. Presumably this is due to the competing oxidation of the lowpotential mipk ligand.