The family Coreidae is distributed worldwide, but these phytophagous bugs are most abundant in the tropics and subtropics. In the Neotropical region, all of the subfamilies and 16 tribes are represented. In tropical ecosystems, these bugs feed on herbs and shrubs in open areas of forests as well as at the forest edge. Some species are spectacularly colored, and unusual expansions of antennae, humeral angles, femora, or tibiae occur in many groups. Some of them move lazily even when disturbed and hardly fl y to escape; others are extremely nimble, fast fl ying away when disturbed. They are frequently encountered in crops, representing important pests in several commodities. No one common name is universally accepted for the family, and none of the frequently used names (e.g., squash bug, leatherbug, leaf-footed bug, Randwanzen) are collectively appropriate for all members of the family.