A variety of physico-chemical techniques have been used to probe the possible interactions between the characteristic structural domains of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase by comparison of the wildtype enzyme with the specific H388Q mutant in which a potential interaction between His388 and Glu190 in the crucial interdomain region is disrupted. Enzyme kinetic studies indicate that, despite being structurally remote from the active site, this mutation has significant effects on both the VmaX and K,,, values for various substrates. The single cysteine residue in the N domain of the protein is markedly more reactive in the mutant, and this enhanced accessibility is moderated by binding of substrates and various anions. Differences are also observed in the near-ultraviolet CD spectra of these proteins. The chemical and thermal stability of the mutant enzyme is reduced, as indicated from guanidinium chloride and differential-scanning calorimetry denaturation studies. Moreover, interdomain interactions seem to be altered in the mutant, resulting in the appearance of independent thermal transition for the two domains, in contrast to the single cooperative transition observed for the wild-type enzyme. The conformational and/or dynamic effects of the mutation on the H388Q enzyme are therefore various and not solely localised in the hinge region.Phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) catalyses reversible phosphoryl transfer from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to ADP in a key ATP-producing step of glycolysis. The enzyme reaction requires metal ions (Mg2+ or Mn'') which form a complex with the nucleotide substrates [I]. PGK isolated from various sources show strong sequence homology and are monomeric proteins with a molecular mass of about 45 kDa. The X-ray structures of the yeast and horse muscle enzymes [2, 31 have shown that the single polypeptide chain is organised into two structurally distinct domains of approximately equal size. In the yeast enzyme the nucleotide and glycerate substrates bind in separate sites close to the interdomain cleft. Mg-ATP or Mg-ADP molecules bind competitively in a shallow depression on the C domain while the most plausible site for 3-phosphoglycerate and 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate is located close to the face of the N domain [2]. In view of the distance between these binding sites (some 1 nm), a hinge-bending model has been proposed for PGK in which movement around the waist region (or hinge) between the two domains expels water and brings the substrates into an orientation and proximity which facilitate phosphoryl transfer [2, 31. Evidence for such a conformational change during catalysis has come from a number of studies including low angle X-ray scattering [4,5] [XI, while consistent with significant conformational change, has not been reproduced elsewhere [9]). Neither the extent nor the possible mechanism of hinge bending during catalysis are known, but the involvement of a His388-Glul90 interaction in the waist region of the enzyme as a mediator of domain closure has been proposed [ZJ. His388 is con...