1Kajetan PERZANOWSKI Perzanowski K., 1978: The effect of winter food composition on roedeer energy budget. Acta theriol., 23,.In order to establish relationships between the composition of natural food and the energy budget of the roe-deer (Capreolus capreolus L.), a number of feeding experiments were carried out with mixed diets consisting of various proportions of browse and plants of forest herb layer. The consumption of these kinds of foods ranged from about 30 g dry matter/animal X day as regards young shoots of alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus) to more than 550 g dry matter/animal X day in the case of herbs. The dry matter digestion coefficient appeared to be highly correlated with the herb content in the food. A similar relationship existed between the intake of digestible energy, ranging from 36 to 242 kcal/kg body weight 0 -7 5 X day, and the food composition. It was computed that in the winter the roe-deer, keeping its energy budget balanced, takes food containing more than 50% herbaceous plants, whose digestibility coefficient exceeds 60%. Distinct relationships were found between the food composition and the digestibility of the following fractions: Cell Wall Content (CWC), Cell Content (CC), Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF) and Acid Detergent Lignin (ADL). The equation of multiple regression, describing the relationship between the digestibility of food and the content of CWC, ADF and ADL fractions in it, was also calculated.