The ability of F. auruntiacum to reduce the aflatoxin B1 (AFBJ concentration was determined by inoculating about lo9 stationary phase cells in AFB,-contaminated phosphate buffer (PB). non-defatted peanut milk (NDPM) and partially defatted peanut milk (PDPM). The AFBl concentration and cell populations were determined periodically throughout the incubation (30°C). After 24 hr, the concentration of AFB, decreased about 40% in PB, 23% in NDPM and 74% in PDPM. Viable cell population decreased less than one log,, CFU/mL in all liquids but increased about 0.8 log,0 unit in control PDPM. AFB, recovery increased about 30% in proteolysed PDPM but proteolysis had no effect on recovery from NDPM.both non-defatted and partially defatted peanut milks were subjected to proteolysis to determine the effect of intact proteins on efficiency of AFB, removal. All experiments which involved AFBl were done in a dark environment.Maintenance of culture and APB, Flavobactetium aurantiacum NRRL B-184 was used throughtout this study. Cultures were maintained on trypticase soy agar (TSA, Difco) at 4°C. Cells were activated by two successive transfers in tryptictise soy broth (TSB, Difco) incubated at 30°C.Aflatoxin l3, (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) was prepared as a stock chloroform solution (5 mg/mL) and stored at -20°C until use.