Oxidation mechanisms in single-and two-phase Si-AI-O-N ceramics have been studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy together with energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Silicate layers formed on single-phase (/3') ceramics are non-crystalline, with viscosity and resulting oxidation kinetics controlled by outward diffusion of grainboundary segregated impurities. Aluminium substitution in/3' is important in compensating for the viscosity reduction imposed by the divalent ion impurities and inhibiting crystallization. Crystallization, induced only on slow furnace cooling, produces mullite and cristobalite phases. Two-phase (/3' and matrix) ceramics exhibit comparatively poor oxidation kinetics with formation of a porous crystalline silicate layer due to the continued availability of a high concentration of metallic ions in the matrix phase.
1, IntroductionThe successful application of Si3N4 and related Si-AI-O-N ceramics in a high-temperature oxidizing environment is dependent on the formation of a surface oxide film via a reaction of the type:Si3N4 + 302 ~ 3SIO2 + 2N2.Studies of film composition and structure, for 13-Si3 N4 ceramics have shown [1][2][3] that the film is a "silicate" containing a large concentration of ions derived from the impurity sintering "catalysts" (e.g. MgO) together with accidental impurities. The films are sometimes partially crystalline, containing phases such as enstatite (MgSiO3)in MgO-additive materials.Recently, it has been demonstrated [4] that the "protection" conferred by the oxide film is not due to the requirement for diffusion of the components of the oxidation reaction through the film, as normally interpreted from parabolic oxidation kinetics. Rather, the oxidation rate is limited by the rate of outward diffusion of metallic impurity ions into the SiO2 film, reducing its viscosity and hence its solubility for Si3Na. Si is transported through the silicate layer for reaction with atmospheric oxygen. While the exact oxidation mechanism is not proven experimentally, it has been shown that outward impurity diffusion is rate-limiting by demonstrating no increase in kinetics of further oxidation on removal of the initial silicate film.