Introduction. The harmonious development of cognitive processes is a prerequisite for students’ successful mastering of the educational program. The aim of the study is to give a psychophysiological characteristic of the peculiarities of the formation of cognitive functions in senior students. Materials and methods. The study of the functional state of the central nervous system (CNS) by the process of variational chronoreflexometry was carried out in 300 senior pupils of the traditional general education school; the assessment of cognitive abilities and intellectual level development was evaluated by using computer tests. Results. Pupils of the 9th and 11th grades were shown to have no significant differences in the CNS functional indices. In contrast, the CNS functional level was 1.6-1.7 times lower than the physiological norm. The nervous reaction’s stability was 1.3 -1.4 times, the level of functionality of the formed functional system was 1.3 times. The decrease in the level of CNS functioning of the studied adolescents was due to the consumption of reserve functional capabilities of the central nervous system and the body as a whole for the formation of cognitive functions, as evidenced by the development of verbal and non-verbal thinking in students from the 9th to the 11th grade, high speed of thinking processes, voluntary attention and its stability. It was proved that the development of thinking contributed to the formation of voluntary attention, an increase in its stability, and the degree of concentration, confirmed by the established correlation of moderate strength between the accuracy index and the level of formation of various types of thinking (r = 0,4). Conclusion. The established features of students’ intellectual development during a three-year study can be taken into account when organizing the educational process in traditional educational institutions to increase the level of cognitive development and academic performance of students.