241 Am and 244 Cm were analysed from peat samples collected in Finland immediately after the Chernobyl accident. The separation method included co-precipitation, anion exchange and extraction chromatography. Activities of 241 Am and 244 Cm were measured by alpha spectrometry. The activity of Chernobyl-derived 241 Am varied between 0.0115 and 9.32 Bq/m 2 and that of 244 Cm from < 0.002 to 1.97 Bq/m 2 (reference date 1.5.1986). The origin of 241 Am in Finland is predominantly from atmospheric nuclear tests. However, the geographical distribution of Chernobylamericium is uneven and depending on a location even 100% of 241 Am in peat originated from the Chernobyl accident. The deposition pattern of Chernobyl-derived 241 Am and 244 Cm resembles that of other refractory nuclides, such as 95 Zr, 141 Ce and 239,240 Pu.