The Mid dle Or do vi cian Bukówka For ma tion, com posed of fine-grained quartz sand stones with siltstone in ter ca la tions, belongs to the Kielce Re gion of the Holy Cross Moun tains (peri-Bal tic palaeogeographic po si tion). It con tains trace fos sils of low di ver sity and poor pres er va tion. Par tic u larly note wor thy are the large Cruziana and Rusophycus, that are typ i cal of peri-Gondwanan ar eas. They con sist of casts of bilobate fur rows show ing di verse pres er va tion. Other trace fos sils in clude mostly hor i zon tal pascichnia, cubichnia, and fodinichnia, but also ver ti cal domichnia. The trace fos sil as sem blage is typ i cal of the ar che typal Cruziana and partly of the Skolithos ichnofacies. Some beds con tain abun dant orthid brachi o pods. The trace fos sils and sed i men tary struc tures (hor i zon tal, low-an gle and wave rip ple cross-lami na tions, hummocky cross-strat i fica tion) sug gest de po si tion on the mid dle and lower shoreface with storm in flu ence. The poor pres er va tion and low di ver sity of the trace fos sils are re lated to the ho mog e neous li thol ogy, low ac cu mu la tion rate, shal low burial of or ganic mat ter and strong bioturbation. There fore, an i mals bur rowed strongly but mostly in shal low tiers. Thus, the pres er va tion po ten tial of their traces was much lower than in many peri-Gondwanan sec tions but still higher than in Baltica sed i men tary rocks. This explains the pro vin cial dif fer ences in ichnofauna dur ing the Or do vi cian, which at least partly were in flu enced by the pres er vation po ten tial.