We report on the study of a polariton gas confined in a quasi-periodic one dimensional cavity, described by a Fibonacci sequence. Imaging the polariton modes both in real and reciprocal space, we observe features characteristic of their fractal energy spectrum such as the opening of mini-gaps obeying the gap labeling theorem and log-periodic oscillations of the integrated density of states. These observations are accurately reproduced solving an effective 1D Schrödinger equation, illustrating the potential of cavity polaritons as a quantum simulator in complex topological geometries.PACS numbers: 71.36.+c,78.55.Cr, 05.45.Df, 61.43.Hv, 71.23.Ft Free quantum particles or waves propagating in a spatially varying potential present modifications of their spectral density, which depend on the symmetry of this potential. The richness of spectral distributions in constrained geometries has long been recognized. The case of a periodic potential described by means of the Bloch theorem is a significant example. The notion of spectral distribution has been deepened in the wake of quasicrystals discovery and it led to a classification of energy spectra into absolutely continuous, pure point and singular continuous spectral distributions [1]. The latter class proved to be surprisingly rich and it encompasses a broad range of potentials, such as quasi-periodic potentials which have been thoroughly studied [2,3].An interesting quasi-periodic potential can be designed using a Fibonacci sequence. The corresponding singular continuous energy spectrum has a fractal structure of the Cantor set type [4][5][6][7], and it displays self-similarity i.e., a symmetry under a discrete scaling transformation. Denoting ρ(ε) the relevant density of states (DOS) in ε (either energy or frequency), a discrete scaling symmetry about a particular value ε u is expressed by the propertywhere µ (ε) = ε −∞ ρ (ε ) dε is the integrated density of states (IDOS), or density measure, and α and β are scaling parameters which usually, depend on ε u . Defining a shifted IDOS by N εu (ε) ≡ µ(ε) − µ (ε u ), the general solution of (1) can be written as [8]where γ = ln α ln β is the local (ε u -dependent) scaling exponent and F(z) is a periodic function of period unity, whose (non-universal) form depends on the problem at hand. Generally, the exponent γ takes values between zero and unity, so that the density ρ (ε) is a singular function. Such scaling properties of a fractal spectrum are expected to modify the behavior of physical quantities [8]. Recently studied examples include thermodynamic properties of photons [9], random walks [10], quantum diffusion of wave packets [11] and spontaneous emission triggered by a fractal vacuum [12]. The diffusion of a wave packet in a quasi-periodic medium is predicted to be neither diffusive, nor ballistic but to present a behavior characterized by non-universal exponents and a logperiodic modulation of its time dynamics. Experimental demonstration of these specific properties of quasiperiodic structures is still missing ...