Lavallée. Pathophysiological plasma ET-1 levels antagonize -adrenergic dilation of coronary resistance vessels in conscious dogs. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 287: H1476 -H1483, 2004. First published June 17, 2004 10.1152/ajpheart.00297.2004.-On the basis of in vitro experiments showing that endothelin (ET)-1 interferes with smooth muscle ATP-sensitive K ϩ (KATP) channel opening, which is pivotal in -adrenergic coronary dilation, we hypothesized that pathophysiological plasma ET-1 levels impair -adrenergic dilation of resistance coronary vessels. In conscious instrumented dogs, graded intravenous doses of dobutamine caused the expected inotropic responses. As myocardial O2 consumption (MV O2) increased, the disproportionate rise in coronary sinus (CS) PO2 indicates that increases in coronary blood flow (CBF) exceeded metabolic requirements, consistent with -adrenergic dilation. ET-1 intravenous infusions, to reach pathophysiological plasma levels, reduced slopes of the PO 2-MV O2 and CBF-MV O2 relations. In contrast, the first derivative of left ventricular pressure over time responses to dobutamine were not impaired during ET-1 delivery. Clazosentan, an ET A receptor blocker, prevented reduction of the slope of PO2-MV O2 and CBF-MV O2 relations. After ganglionic blockade to exclude reflex influences, ET-1 still reduced slopes of PO 2-MV O2 and CBF-MV O2 relations. To assess effects of ET-1 on endothelium-dependent and -independent coronary vascular responses, intracoronary ACh and nitroglycerin were given to directly target coronary vessels. CBF responses to ACh and nitroglycerin were maintained during ET-1 delivery. In contrast, responses to intracoronary K ATP channel-dependent dilators adenosine and lemakalim were impaired by ET-1. In conclusion, pathophysiological levels of ET-1 impaired -adrenergic dilation of resistance coronary vessels through an ET A receptor-dependent process. In contrast, left ventricular inotropic responses to dobutamine were not impaired during ET-1 delivery. Our data suggest that ET-1 may interfere with smooth muscle K ATP channels to impair -adrenergic coronary dilation. endothelin-1; coronary blood flow; dobutamine; ATP-dependent potassium channels; myocardial oxygen consumption PLASMA ENDOTHELIN (ET)-1 levels are elevated in human heart failure (1,6,13,20,24) and pulmonary hypertension (33). The pulmonary circulation acts as the primary source of circulating ET-1 (5, 24). Even if local ET-1 activity is increased in failing hearts (2), circulating ET-1 is still being extracted by the heart, which acts as a consumer, rather than a producer, of circulating ET-1 (5, 24). In humans, increases in circulating ET-1 levels within the pathophysiological range led to decreases in coronary sinus (CS) blood flow and venous blood O 2 saturation, consistent with coronary constriction (19). In normal conscious pigs (14, 15) and dogs (26), blockade of ET-1 receptors led to increases in coronary venous blood O 2 saturation. Thus ET-1 activity may reach the threshold for altering myocard...