Let (G, d) be an l-permutation group, with d a chain and d ( its Dedekind completion. The gate completion (G : , d ( ) consists of the elements of the automorphism group A(d ( ) which can be ''gated'' by elements of G, or equivalently, which respect the ''tyings'' (roughly, equality of stabilizer subgroups) of (G, d) [7]. In this sequel we find that (G : , d ( ) and its variant (G o: , d ( ) have order closed stabilizer subgroups, making G : and G o: completely distributive l-groups. The order closure of G in A(d ( ) turns out to be G o: . Moreover, the elements of G o: (and of G : ) can be readily constructed from those of G. Every h G o: can be written asWhen d is countable, this can be improved to say thatThese results illuminate several of the standard completions of abstract completely distributive l-groups. The proofs use the structure theory of l-permutation groups to focus on the constraints imposed by tyings.