Among all the candidates for (Grand Unification Theories) GUTs, modeling of GR and quantum gravity or understanding Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), the use of the left-handed spin connection as variable for canonical gravity (self-dual), and the gravity weak, gravity electroweak and gravity electroweak + strong unifications have proposed variations on how gravity can be described with a chiral left-handed representation, leaving room for a chiral weak theory. We used this result to justify the viability of the 7D space time natter induction and scattering of chiral fermions in a 4D multi-fold spacetime, despite the absence of chiral fermions in 5 or 7D Physics. Interestingly a model of gravity electroweak symmetry breaking, to produce such chiral gravity, i.e. spacetime and weak interactions, obtains solutions as GR at large scales, and a Higgs mechanisms with a Higgs boson coupled to right-handed neutrino, and a massless and massive bi-gravity. It is converging with the multi-fold theories. Unfortunately, these candidate theories do not seem to have evolved and panned out past the first decade of this millennium.In this paper, we endorse one of the gravity electroweak unification, and symmetry breaking as a QFT approximation of the multi-fold Physics over a 4D multi-fold discrete spacetime generated by random walk, a 2D process at very small scale, and study how the multi-fold theory, especially the random walk spacetime reconstruction, its 2D regime and its microscopic blackholes as particles and concretized spacetime locations, provides an intriguing microscopic interpretation to predict, or explain, this gravity electroweak symmetry breaking QFT approximation. This explanation, and the convergence of different approaches (QFT, non-perturbative quantum geometry / self-dual, and multi-fold to explain each other, recover key results of multi-fold universes and the SMG, that can potentially explain many open problems with the Standard Model (SM) and the standard cosmological model) along with a microscopic explanation for the physics behind symmetry breaking, mass generation, chiral fermions and chiral spacetime, speaks loudly to the consistency of multi-fold models, and their relevance to the SM. In our view, this approach is now a candidate to a new type of unification of quantum gravity and SM.The model also account for the special relations between the Higgs (massless) and spacetime, something we predicted, but not conventional, the microscopic explanation of mass generation related to particles as Higgs condensation into microscopic black holes that are regularized solitons, and the relationship between the Higgs boson and the right-handed neutrino.This new theory, the multi-fold gravity electroweak unification and symmetry breaking, also handles the strong interaction without an additional unification mechanism. Instead of an interim unification and symmetry breaking separating electroweak and strong interactions, the strong interaction with its field and massive particles is handled by the same unification and symmetry breaking mechanisms. It could explains why there are simply no (Grand Unifications Theories) GUTs out there.