Leif.so'ni.a. N.L. fem. n.
named after Einar Leifson, an American microbiologist who isolated and described the first organism of this genus.
Actinobacteria / Actinobacteria / Micrococcales / Microbacteriaceae / Leifsonia
Young cultures produce
slender (mostly 0.3–0.6 μm in diameter) irregular rods or filaments. Primary branching and V‐forms typically occur
. Cultures a week or more old usually contain shorter rods, but some cells may be coccoid. No aerial mycelium is produced. Nonsporeforming. Some species are
motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Gram‐stain‐positive
cell‐wall architecture.
Non‐acid‐fast. Chemo‐organotrophs
, metabolism is primarily respiratory with oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor. Mostly
. Oxidase reaction varies with strains or experiments. Acids are produced oxidatively rather weakly from carbohydrates. Most species grow well on standard laboratory media at near neutral pH. Some species are nutritionally very exacting. Mesophilic, optimum temperature ~24–30°C; growth range ~4–42°C.
C content
%): 66–70.7.
Type species
Leifsonia aquatica
Leifson 1962) Evtushenko, Dorofeeva, Subbotin, Cole and Tiedje 2000, 377
Corynebacterium aquaticum
” Leifson 1962, 161).