The function on the Teichmüller space of complete, orientable, finite-area hyperbolic surfaces of a fixed topological type that assigns to a hyperbolic surface its maximal injectivity radius has no local maxima that are not global maxima.Let T g,n be the Teichmüller space of complete, orientable, finite-area hyperbolic surfaces of genus g with n cusps. In this paper we begin to analyze the function max : T g,n → R + that assigns to S ∈ T g,n its maximal injectivity radius. The injectivity radius of S at x, injrad x (S), is half the length of the shortest non-constant geodesic arc in S with both endpoints at x. It is not hard to see that injrad x (S) varies continuously with x and approaches 0 in the cusps of S, so it attains a maximum on any fixed finite-area hyperbolic surface S.Our main theorem characterizes local maxima of max on T g,n :Theorem 0.1. For S ∈ T g,n , the function max attains a local maximum at S if and only if for each x ∈ S such that injrad x (S) = max (S), each edge of the Delaunay tessellation of (S, x) has length 2injrad x (S) and each face is a triangle or monogon.Here for a hyperbolic surface S with locally isometric universal cover π : H 2 → S, and x ∈ S, the Delaunay tessellation of (S, x) is the projection to S of the Delaunay tessellation of π −1 (x) ⊂ H 2 , as defined by an empty circumcircles condition (see Section 2 below). In particular, a monogon is the projection to S of the convex hull of a P -orbit in π −1 (x), for a maximal parabolic subgroup P of π 1 S acting on H 2 by covering transformations.Theorem 5.11 of the author's previous paper [3] characterized the global maxima of max by a condition equivalent to that of Theorem 0.1, extending work of Bavard [1]. We thus have:Corollary 0.2. All local maxima of max on T g,n are global maxima.This contrasts the behavior of syst, the function on T g,n that records the systole, ie. shortest geodesic, length of hyperbolic surfaces: P. Schmutz Schaller proved in [10] that for many g and n, syst has local maxima on T g,n that are not global maxima. Comparing with syst, which is well-studied, is one motivation for studying max . (Note that for a closed hyperbolic surface S, syst(S) is twice the minimal injectivity radius of S.)The referee has sketched a direct argument to show that max attains a global maximum on T g,n . (This is also sketched in the preprint [7], and I prove a somewhat more general fact as Proposition 4.3 of [5].) Together with this observation, Theorem 0.1 gives an alternative proof of Theorem 5.11 of [3], which is not completely independent of the results of [3] but uses only some early results from Sections 1 and Section 2.1 there.We prove Theorem 0.1 by describing explicit, injectivity radius-increasing deformations of pointed surfaces (S, x) that do not satisfy its criterion. The deformations are produced 1 arXiv:1506.08080v2 [math.GT]