Radu Miron: The geometry of higher-order Hamilton spacesKluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, 264 p., This monograph is the sixth one resulting from 50 years of research activity of the prominent Romanian school on Finsler geometry, Lagrange-Hamilton spaces, and their higher-order generalizations [1][2][3][4][5]. The new book presents an overview of the higher-order Hamilton spaces with applications to higher-order mechanics following the canonical non-linear connection (N-connection) and (semi-)spray formalism and the geometry of induced almost complex or contact Riemann-Cartan structures. The variational principles for higher-order Hamiltonians, HamiltonJacobi equations and related conservation laws and symmetries are described and investigated.In this review, I would like to discuss some relations of this original approach to geometry and physics and reflect on applications to modern gravity and string theory.There are two general directions towards geometrization of mechanics on the tangent or cotangent bundle and their higher-order extensions: The first one is based on the idea of describing classical mechanics and classical field theory in terms of symplectic geometry following certain procedures of geometrization of the Euler-Lagrange and Hamilton equations by using the (multi-)symplectic formalism, differential forms, jets, etc. (see, for instance, [6,7]). In a quite different way, in the second direction Lagrange and Hamilton mechanics was geometrized using Riemann-Finsler spaces and, in a more general context, certain types of non-holonomic manifolds enabled with non-integrable distributions defined by N-connections. The general ideas and methods originate from E. Cartan [8] and A. Kawaguchi [9, 10] who were the first to consider metric-compatible models of Finsler spaces and N-connection structures. In this way, the geometric constructions are not related to certain particular properties of the Euler-Lagrange, or