“…It has been reported that canine ExPEC strains typically do not express P fimbriae and thus are fundamentally different from human ExPEC strains (74), that they express P fimbriae and hence are similar to human ExPEC strains (71), and that they express variant forms of P fimbriae that are dissimilar to the P fimbriae of most human ExPEC strains (5,7,36,37,41,56,57), but may be present in some human isolates (36,37,41,56,57). These investigations were done before assays for the three papG alleles were generally available (12,16), before the epidemiological association of papG allele III with human cystitis had been demonstrated (12,23,59), and before it was known that receptors for PapG variant III are not confined to nonhuman hosts (5,7,46,62,63) or to humans of the A blood phenotype (36,37,56) but are present generally in humans, including within the human urogenital tract (e.g., as sialosylgalactosyl-globoside) (31,32,60,64). These more recent developments, together with the results of the present study, clarify several points.…”