Protein turnover can be achieved via the lysosome/vacuole and the autophagic degradation pathways. Evidence has accumulated revealing that efficient autophagic degradation requires functional endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery. However, the interplay between the ESCRT machinery and the autophagy regulator remains unclear. Here, we show that FYVE domain protein required for endosomal sorting 1 (FREE1), a recently identified plant-specific ESCRT component essential for multivesicular body (MVB) biogenesis and plant growth, plays roles both in vacuolar protein transport and autophagic degradation. FREE1 also regulates vacuole biogenesis in both seeds and vegetative cells of Arabidopsis. Additionally, FREE1 interacts directly with a unique plant autophagy regulator SH3 DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN2 and associates with the PI3K complex, to regulate the autophagic degradation in plants. Thus, FREE1 plays multiple functional roles in vacuolar protein trafficking and organelle biogenesis as well as in autophagic degradation via a previously unidentified regulatory mechanism of cross-talk between the ESCRT machinery and autophagy process. T he endosomal-lysosomal/vacuolar pathway is the primary catabolic system of eukaryotic cells that degrades extracellular and intracellular materials. Membrane proteins destined for degradation, such as misfolded proteins or endocytosed receptors, become tagged by ubiquitin for further sorting to the endosomal-lysosomal/vacuolar system for degradation (1). During this process, an evolutionarily conserved machinery called endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), is responsible for sorting these ubiquitinated cargos into the intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) of prevacuolar compartments/multivesicular bodies (PVCs/MVBs), which subsequently fuse with vacuoles/lysosomes to deliver their contents into the lumen for proteolytic degradation (2, 3). Malfunction of the assembly or dissociation of the ESCRT machinery disrupts MVB formation and thus results in the accumulation of ubiquitinated membrane cargos (4, 5).Macroautophagy (hereafter as autophagy) is another highly conserved catabolic process, which converges on the endosomallysosomal/vacuolar pathway to deliver aberrant organelles, longlived proteins, and protein aggregates to the lysosome/vacuole via a unique structure termed the "autophagosome" (6). Morphologically different from MVBs, autophagosomes are characterized by a double membrane structure, which is initiated from the phagophore assembly site/preautophagosome site (PAS) (7). The proteins or organelles to be degraded are encapsulated by autophagosomes that fuse either directly with the vacuole/lysosome or with endosomes like MVBs for expansion/maturation to form amphisomes, which then fuse with vacuole/lysosome for degradation. A number of conserved autophagy-related gene (ATG) proteins have been identified as participating in the autophagy pathway in eukaryotic cells (8).Even though it is generally accepted that at least one population of...